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Workplace Health and Safety Induction DVDs

If you are looking for affordable and effective video production then contact us here at ELO Media. We specialise in creating persuasive and engaging health and safety videos for companies and organisations of all sizes across the UK. Workplace health and safety induction DVDs are a vital part of any company’s H&S training strategy and provide clear and concise training on the vital health and safety issues. This could be DSE (display screen equipment), slips and trips, office safety, personal security, home and lone working, fire, manual handling and visitor safety to name just a few.

However, as DVD use diminishes most businesses look to put their health and safety videos online.

Previously, our workplace health and safety induction DVDs included multi-language options and sign language as well as sub-titles to ensure that the training material is as inclusive as possible and caters for all staff. This can all be included in online videos.

All material is usually filmed on location using your own people and we look after the entire process from script to screen. If you’d like  affordable workplace health and safety induction DVDs then contact us here at ELO Media.

Why They’re Important and How to Make Them Engaging

A well-made workplace health and safety induction video is a crucial part of keeping employees safe. Not only do they ensure that your workers are aware of the dangers in your workplace, but they can also help to change behaviours and reduce accidents. Here’s everything you need to know about making engaging induction videos that get results.

Workplace health and safety induction videos are a vital part of any business’ health and safety strategy. They help to ensure that employees are aware of the risks in your workplace, and they can help to change behaviours and reduce accidents.

However, simply having an induction video is not enough – it needs to be well-made and engaging in order to be effective. Poorly made videos tend to be ignored or (worse) forgotten, which does nothing to improve safety in your workplace. On the other hand, a well-made video will capture attention and deliver key messages in a way that is both memorable and impactful.

So how do you make an induction video that is engaging and effective? There are a few key things to keep in mind:

Keep It Short: The vast majority of people have short attention spans, so it’s important to keep your videos short and to the point. Try to keep them under five minutes if possible. If you have a lot of information to cover, consider breaking it up into a series of shorter videos.

Make It Relevant: Your viewers will be much more engaged if the content is relevant to them. Talk about specific hazards in your workplace, and show examples of how employees can stay safe.

Use Real Footage: Adding real footage from your workplace will help to make the dangers feel more real for your viewers. Avoid using stock footage or graphics as these can feel impersonal and disconnected.

Use Real People: Using real people in your videos helps viewers connect with the content on a personal level. Hearing first-hand accounts from employees who have been injured at work can be especially powerful.

Make It Interesting: Last but not least, make sure your video is interesting! This can be achieved by adding humour, using story-telling techniques, or simply keeping the content varied throughout. If you lose your viewer’s attention, they’re not going to remember anything from the video – no matter how important it is.

A well-made workplace health and safety induction video is crucial for keeping employees safe. However, simply having a video is not enough – it needs to be well-made and engaging in order hold attention and deliver key messages effectively. Keep these tips in mind when creating  induction videos, and you’ll be on your way to making something that is both informative and memorable.

For a professional, headache free production call us on 01202 805091 or email – we’d love to work with you.